Episode#82 The Pandavas performed the Arghya (Venereal offerings to the departed soul) in honour of martyrs who had laid their lives in the war and camped on the bank of the Ganga for a month. One day, Narada appeared before Yudhishtira. "Son, through Krishna's grace, the valour of Arjuna and power of your Dharma, you were victorious and you are the sovereign Lord of the land. Are you not happy?" He asked. Yudhishtira replied "O great Devarishi, it is true that the kingdom has come into my possession but all my kinsman have gone forever We have lost sons that were dear to us, for me - this is no victory at all, on the contrary it is my greatest defeat! O sage Narada, we took our own brother for an enemy and killed him; Karna stood rooted like a rock in honour and the world wondered at his magnanimous valour- we have slain him mercilessly! This terrible act of slaying our own brother was the result of our sinful attachment to our possessions. Karna, on other hand, ...