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Showing posts from October 6, 2019

Draupadi a role model of today's women.

Untold story episode #91 Draupadi was a unique woman, women in general, are very jealous,  they really live in jealousy, if one wants to characterise men or women,  we can say ego is the chief characterise of man and jealousy is the chief characterise of women. Man lives with his ego and women by jealousy. Jealous is the passive form of ego and ego is active form of jealousy. Draupadi rose above jealousy and pettiness; she loved the Pandavas without reservations. In many ways Draupadi towered over her husbands who were very jealous of another on account of her love. They remained in constant psychological conflict with each other, while Draupadi went through this complex relationship with perfect ease and equanimity. It is good that Draupadi is not a solitary case of this kind; she may be the last in long line. The society that preceded Draupadi was matriarchal perhaps Draupadi is the last vestige of that disintegrating social order. In matriarchal society mother was the h...