Untold story: Episode#86 Once, the great sages like Vishwamitra, Durvasa, Vashista and Narada went on pilgrimage and visited Dwarka to meet Vasudev Krishna a d his brother Balarama. Over a period of time, the Yadavas lost their sense of culture and discipline and were inclined to be uncouth and unrefined! A group of Yadavas boys decided to play pranks on the sages and test their supernatural powers. They dressed Samba (Son of Vasudev Krishna and Jambavati) as a woman; wound several robes around his belly to make him appear as a pregnant woman. They approached the sages and asked them to predict whether this lady would give birth to boy or a girl. The sages realised through their divine vision that the boys were mocking at them and cursed them saying the disguised boy will give birth to a lump of iron which will lead to the destruction of the entire Yadavas race. The Yadavas boys laughed until Samba's stomach became heavier and eventually Samba happened to deliver a huge block of...