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Showing posts from September 1, 2019

Curse by the sages

Untold story: Episode#86 Once, the great sages like Vishwamitra, Durvasa, Vashista and Narada went on pilgrimage and visited Dwarka to meet Vasudev Krishna a d his brother Balarama. Over a period of time, the Yadavas lost their sense of culture and discipline and were inclined to be uncouth and unrefined! A group of  Yadavas boys decided to play pranks on the sages and test their supernatural powers. They dressed Samba (Son of Vasudev Krishna and Jambavati) as a woman; wound several robes around his belly to make him appear as a pregnant woman. They approached the sages and asked them to predict whether this lady would give birth to boy or a girl. The sages realised through their divine vision that the boys were mocking at them and cursed them saying the disguised boy will give birth to a lump of iron which will lead to the destruction of the entire Yadavas race. The Yadavas boys laughed until Samba's stomach became heavier and eventually Samba happened to deliver a huge block of...

Mahabharata war was inevitable: Lord Krishna

Episode 85 Gandhari eyes filled with tears and her ears were echoing the cries of the slain warriors  window's. She could not bear the heart-rending cries of all the mothers and widows; the air was filled with loud wailings! Gandhari was helpless and could find no way to console them. Seeing their intense grief, Gandhari forgot her own sorrow that all her hundred sons were killed by Bhima in the war - but after a while the nightmare memories struck her worse than a thunderbolt could have and she wept bitterly again.  She blamed Vasudev Krishna repeatedly for the total destruction of the Kuru race. Gandhari was under belief that Vasudev Krishna though he had power to prevent the war - he did not do enough to prevent the war. This thoughts and her own helplessness tormented her to no end, if Vasudev Krishna and really desired to prevent it, this bloodshed was definitely avoidable. In a fit of rage, Gandhari cursed Vasudev Krishna that the Yadavas clan would also be similarly d...