Episode#2 Mahabharata Janani Janmabhoomi... Urvashi Urvashi was a Royal courtesan in the court of Indra. She decided to defend to the earth and savour the taste of the lifestyle prevailed there. While returning from this fantasy trip in the wee hours, an evil Asura (Demon) kidnapped her, Pururavas the son of Budh & Illa the first lunar king (chandravanshi) was passing and chased the demon in hot pursuit on his chariot. He freed Urvashi from demon's clutches, she slipped, he caught her hand, this brief moment wherein their fingers touched, it was first time Urvashi experienced the warmth of human flesh and was strongly fascinated by it, Pururavas was equally drawn to her. Pururavas proposed her to marry and she agreed to marry him with 3 conditions. First she would bring 2 goats and their saftey had to be ensured. Second she will consume only clarified butter and third they should never see each other naked except while making love. The day any condition is voilated, she w...