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The central theme of Mahabharata is not dissimilar and is commonly found in most of the Indian families. In Mahabharata, there are rampant skirmishes right from the childhood wherein the Kauravas and Pandavas princes are at loggerheads - the subject of controversy being the hierarchy to the throne of Hastinapur.

Apita was a ancient king of Hastinapur who begot three sons, Devapi, Balhika, Shantanu. Devapi, the eldest, did not suceed due an incurable ailment; the second was given in adoption to his mother's house Madra while Shantanu the younger succeeded to the throne.

Young Shantanu one day while hunting near river Ganga, he fells in love with a ravishing woman and proposed her. She accepted to marry him on one condition, provided she would not be questioned or counter check for any of her actions, if he ever happened, she would abandon him permanently without any explanation whatsoever. King Shantanu was so deeply infatuated that without thinking of the consequences in the long run and they were married.

The woman was Ganga divine spirit of the river, who had to be born in order to expiate an offense she had committed in heaven. On her way she met eight Vasu, who were similarly cursed. She had accepted their request to help them attain emancipation from there curse which would soon materialize as soon as they are born.

As soon first child was born she drowned him in the river, she did the same to their second child but Shantanu restrained himself since he was bound by her pledge. But he cannot withstand it any longer during the birth of their eight son, Shantanu protested, since he had violated pledge, Ganga abandon him saying "If only you would have waited this time, this was the last seer I would have helped in his emancipation from his curse thereafter would have been our real children who could live with us as a family, I am leaving and sorry to state that this child will live terrible life without family, yet a householder; he can never be the king, he will die a death of shame at the hands of a man who will be actually a woman." To this, Shantanu argued vehemently "I will not let it happen." But the destiny had left it's imprint behind and nobody could change or transform it.

Ganga took their eight child with her, she aspired to raise him as a skilled warrior under unparalleled tutelage of sage Parshurama, she promised that she will send him back when he is ready for marriage and be the king.

NB: Highlights from book Mahabharata Janani Janmabhoomi - to buy
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