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Birth of Pandu, Dhritrashtra & Vidura


Vichitravirya died without any children soon after marriage leaving Satyavati's dreams of her son's taking the throne of Hastinapur shattered into million pieces. The throne was left without any heir.

She called Bhisma, absolved him from his vow and begged him to marry her daughter-in-laws but he refused, Satyavati left with no choice to beget children through her offspring Vyasa who was born before her marriage.

After having meditated in forest for many years, Vyasa with his uncut hair, grown beard, tanned skin appeared unkempt and unappealing!

When mother Satyavati requested him to beget a child from her widowed daughter-in- law, he requested her to grant him few days to get himself ready but having lost all her patience, she refused!

With much hesitation and embarrassment, when he visited Princess Ambika, looking at his unkempt and unappealing face she closed her eyes with fear and blind Dhritrashtra was born!

Vyasa was requested to visit other Princess Ambalika but she turned pale white seeing Vyasa's uncouth appearance; the son she bore was thus an albino (abnormally white) and was named Pandu.

Vyasa was sent again to Ambika but this time she substituted her maid servant she enjoyed her sexual encounter and gave a birth to a fine son who was named as Vidura.

Three boys grew up together until adulthood blind Dhritrashtra, the eldest, was set aside as the back-burner owing to his congenital blindness; Vidura was rejected because he was low born (born to a maid) thus Pandu was crowned the king of Hastinapur.



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