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Draupadi disrobed - Bhima wrathful pledge!


Pandavas as removed their uttariya, shawls and their arm-lets but Draupadi being in single cloth - ekvastra couldn't do the same!

The lusty minded Dusshasana moved towards Draupadi, she tried to prevent her modesty, Karna remembered his insult in Swayamvara he passed a remark "she is no better than a prostitute - does it really matters whether she is dressed or naked for a woman who co-habits with five husbands at any given time, it hardly matters!" This rubbed further salt in her wounds and she screamed with pain and fury - "if ever my father King Drupada came to know about his daughter's humiliation, he will tear Hastinapur in pieces the very same moment!"

Dusshasana snatched her sari and pulled it, Draupadi was getting stripped in front of all the elders and Noble kings but no one dare to stop such crime not even king Dhritarashtra. There was no one to help she thought of Krishna, he was the only one who will come for her rescue, she closed her eyes and prayed Krishna, all the great valour and righteousness of my husbands couldn't protect me but Krishna came to her rescue. Dusshasana tired of unwrapping yards and yards of sari, which has no end, finally he stopped and fainted.

Duryodhana still remember the stinging words "A blind father's son will be blind too" this was a chance to square off his deal with Draupadi who dared to mock and belittle him, he would now humiliate and embarrass her in the worst possible way, he signalled Draupadi to sit on his right thigh and voiced his unjust opinion that she being the perpetual slave of the Kauravas was expected to obey his order, then too all the elders sat silently with their heads down! Was the loyalty of the kingdom more important than a woman's honour?

It was only then that Bhima pronounced his wrathful pledge, indirectly declaring the war to wipe off the entire Kuru dynasty, "I will smash Duryodhana right thigh with my mace then I will press his head with my foot. I shall further tear open Dusshasana chest and drink his blood"

At the very same moment Draupadi vowed "I will not tie my hair unless Bhima washes my hair with Dusshasana blood! I want revenge, I will destroy those who have insulted me and humiliated me" she stood there breathing heavily, with flashes of anger emitting from her eyes that looked like a burning pair of red-hot coals! Before she could further curse the Kuru dynasty, Gandhari entered the Hall of Dice.



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