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Mahabharata war - Day 9


On the Ninth day, before the battle began, Duryodhana was closeted with Bhisma Pitamah. He gave vent to his feelings of disappointment over the inconclusive manner in which the battle proceeded. His words were no less than piercing spears and pained Bhisma greatly but known for his equanimity, the latter was patient and said "Like ghee on the sacrificial fire I am pouring my life out for you. Why do you seek to mortify me, who has been doing the very utmost for you? You speak like a man of no understanding, not knowing what is right and what is wrong. You see things not in their original state - your vision is clouded...! You are now reaping the harvest of hatred you deliberately sowed. The only course left is to battle in the best possible way, by losing heart nothing is accomplished! Fight now as a Kshatriya should and the honour will be yours whatever the consequences!" Thus cheering Duryodhana and boosting his confidence with wise and affectionate words, Bhisma issued instructions for the specific array of the regiment for the day's battle.

On other side Pandavas forces, akin to cattle that have gone astray found themselves in total disarray. Vasudev Krishna halted the chariot and said to Arjuna "Partha, you and your brothers were all along looking for this day, do not hesitate to kill Pitamah, do not forget the duty of a soldier."  Arjuna bent down his head and without looking up replied "I would rather have continued to be an exile in the forest than to kill Pitamah and the teachers whom I love - but I shall money you as promised to you." Though he pleaded him to drive chariot ahead, Arjuna's heart was not in the war. With great recultance and mental distress he proceeded to combat. Bhisma, on other hand burnt radiantly like the mid-day sun. When the army saw Arjuna's chariot proceed towards Bhisma, it regained courage and the order was restored once again! Bhisma arrows came sweeping in like a thick blanket that covered the advancing chariot completely neither the horse nor vehicles were visible to the onlookers. An unperturbed Krishna drove on with guardedness! Arjuna's shaft his Bhisma bow and shattered it many times but Piranha went renewing his weapon. "You are not fighting Arjuna, as you should" exclaimed Krishna, he jumped down from the chariot, picked up his sudharshan chakra and advance towards Bhisma! As Krishna approached Bhisma, the latter shouted with great ecstasy "Hail, O Lotus-eye One! Blessed am I to be separated from the body at Your Holy Hands! Come, come!"

Arjuna jumped down from the chariot, rushed forward and casting both his arms around Krishna, cried - "Stop, Vasudev Krishna! Do not break your pledge! You have pledge that you shall not use weapons in this battle, I shall not fail in my responsibilities, and I shall send my arrows and kill Pitamah myself. Pray, mount the chariot and take the reins." Arjuna pleaded Vasudev Krishna to return and the battle resumed. The pandavas forces had faced very rough treatment in battle today, the sun rapidly marched down the west and the battle came to an end mercifully.


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