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Mahabharata War Day 13 - Fall of Abhimanyu


When Arjuna & Lord Krishna proceeded towards the Samsaptakas, Drona rearranged his army in lotus formation and attack Yudhishtira fiercely. Abhimanyu though an adolescent had already won recognition as a mighty warrior and as an equal to his father and uncle in warfare.

Yudhishtira called Abhimanyu and said, "Dear son, Drona is attacking our army in Arjuna's absence and if we happened to be defeated, his grief will be beyond measure, none of us has been able to break Drona array of Chakra Vyuha, you only can enter this array. I ask you to take up this task."  "I can do it replied Abhimanyu "I have been instructed by my father how to penetrate, but later it becomes imperative for me to come out." Bhima supported Yudhishtira proposal "I shall be immediately behind you and enter when you succeed in breaking the enemy's formation. "

Abhimanyu felt greatly inspired by the collective advise and motivated by his own gallant nature undertook the adventure.

Like a young lion on a herd of elephants, Abhimanyu rushed on causing a ripple in the Kauravas ranks which bent under his headlong onslaught and soon became a break! Under the very eyes of Drona the formation got breached and Abhimanyu entered, but the breach closed under the inspiration of Jayadratha, before the other Pandavas could force their way as planned - and Abhimanyu was left all alone. Abhimanyu bravely withstood this united onslaught, well-equipped warriors like Drona, Aswasthama, Kripa, Karna, Sakuni, Salya and many others surged in frontal attack only to be thrown back. Karna attacked Abhimanyu but one of his arrows felled Karna bow! Karna fled from the battlefield and Kauravas forces were completely demoralized.

Duryodhana son Laxamana Kumar, young prince, who has promised his sister that he will not fight with Abhimanyu as she is deeply in love with him; when they saw this, retreating soldiers came back and supported Laxamana, Abhimanyu never knew his sister Laxamani is in love with him, he thought it is duty of Kshatriyas to kill their enemies on the battlefield, still, Arjuna son undaunted and, with Lilly's hesitation he released the shaft came swift and shining, like a serpent fresh-sloughed, and pierced Laxamana Kumar. The handsome youth, with beautiful nose and eyebrows and hair, the only son of Duryodhana lay dead on the field in front of his father and the Laura as soldiers were filled with grief.

Far away in the palace Laxamani suddenly shivered and got up, she sensed something happened to Kumar; it was natural as both of them were twins, and Laxamami was just few minutes elder to Kumar.

Duryodhana was devastated crying like a child over his son's dead body, sobbing "I shall give the Pandavas half of the kingdom now he wept, he knelt near the motionless body of his young son. "I force this gentle boy of mine to fight the war, he hated war and bloodshed. I did not want him to die; he was the heir of my throne! He was the only young survivor of the Kauravas family." Duryodhana was inconsolable. Kauravas mourned the death of young prince Kumar and vowed to take revenge on young Abhimanyu.

Duryodhana cannot forget that Abhimanyu was the son of his first love Subhadra, before the war on full moon night, she discreetly met Duryodhana, requesting him not to kill her son Abhimanyu, she also praised his son Laxamana Kumar who is very unlikely to his father and dearly loved by everyone, Duryodhana listened to her without uttering a word he just walked away.

The six great warriors - Drona, Kripa, Karna,  Aswasthama, Brihatbala and Kritavarma closed upon Abhimanyu.

"It is impossible to pierce this youth's armour" said Drona to Karna. "Aim at the reins of his horses and cut them off. Disable him this and attack him from behind." Karna did accordingly and Abhimanyu bow was broken by a shaft discharged from his rear! His horses and charioteer were soon killed and Abhimanyu stood in the midst of the field - only with a sword and a shield facing his enemies. As he stood dauntless like a Kshatriya incarnate, he befuddled the warriors by whirling his sword with an amazing speed that left them awestruck and speechless! It seemed as if his feet never touched the earth and he had grown wings all of a sudden. Drona shaft came breezing in and broke Abhimanyu sword while Karna sharp arrows tore his shield into shreds.

With no weapons in hand, Abhimanyu looked around and citing a stray chariot-wheel, he picked up and whirled it with full force at the enemies that surrounded him from all sides. The wheel-dust covered him enhancing the natural grandeur of his persona. He fought fiercely like a second Vishnu with powerful Sudarshana Chairs but so long could he face the combined onslaught of the warriors that overpowered him without a single weapon on his person? The chariot wheel was shattered to pieces in no time.

Dusshassana soon came up and closed in physical combat they went down together but former rose again while Abhimanyu was struggling to his feet, struck him with his mace and killed him.

As Arjuna and Krishna proceeding towards their camp after defeating the Samsaptakas, a restless Arjuna said "Vasudev, I do not know why but my mind is not at ease! My mouth feels parched and my heart is troubled with a great foreboding of loss. I wonder if any calamity has happened to Yudhistira?"

When they entered the camp, Arjuna had fearful thoughts in his mind "Why are all these people wearing sad faces? I do not see Abhimanyu here! How is it I see no glad faces? Is there any relation between two?"

He spoke with a sullen heart "I understand that Drona arrayed his army in lotus formation that no one amongst you can penetrate. Did Abhimanyu force his way in? If so, he is dead, for I did not teach him how to make his way out! Has he been slain indeed?" Their mournful silence and downcast eyes, which dared not meet us - confirmed his worst fears Arjuna - the bereaved father burst into heartbroken lamentations! "Alas, has my dear boy left us all? Arjuna was again over whelmed by brief and he fell unconscious on the ground unable to bear the intense trauma!

When he returned to consciousness, he took a oat: "Before sunset tomorrow, I shall slay this Jayadratha who has caused my son's death!


The fact that Vasudev Krishna knew the advantages in the eventuality of Abhimanyu death cannot be over-emphasized. He was a Rakshasa and his demonic qualities would be sufficient to kill both the armies single handedly. Secondly Krishna knew Arjuna loved his son and only his death would provoke Arjuna to take the war more personally and thus fight with more vigorously like a real Kshatriya should...!


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