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Mahabharata War - Day Twelve


The twelveth day, several attempts to capture Yudhishtira alive proved fruitless! Drona voiced his opinion to Duryodhana, "It is crystal clear that we cannot succeed in our efforts to seize Yudhishtira so long Arjuna is around. If we adopt a new strategy that would force Arjuna to be drawn away from Yudhishtira, I could take the opportunity of penetrating the army configuration and capture Yudhishtira! I promise to seize him and deliver him to you provided he does not flee from the battle, renouncing honour. Even if he resorts to it, we still stand to win?"

The Trihartadesa chief after hearing From thoughts, made a collective plan with his brothers. They resolved to take the Samsaptaka oath which was a great suicide squad organized to achieve the separation of Yudhishtira and Arjuna with the objective to arrest the former.

Arjuna turned to Yudhishtira and addressed him thus "Oh king the Samsaptakas - Susarma and his men are calling me to battle. I shall destroy them all and return permit me to go." "My beloved brother" said Yudhishtira "You know Drona intentions of taking me alive, keep this in mind and resort to correct decision. He is a matchless warrior, brave, strong and skilled in every branch of archery. He knows no fatigue and nothing escape his watchful eyes."

Arjuna said "King, here stands Satyajit, the printer e of Panchal in your support; as long as he is besides you, nothing can happen to you." So assigning the job of saying Arjuna asked prince Satyajit to stand guard by Yudhishtira side and marched off like a predator hungry lion to meet his prey.

The pandavas forces attacked Drona army, creating great havoc till sunset - when the war is declared to have come to a close.

The same night Duryodhana sent message calling Laxamana Kumar to join him I'm the battlefield - casting aside his mother's and sister's protest that Laxamana was inadequately trained for warfare and calling him was too high a risk.

As Laxamana set out in his chariot in response to his father's command, Laxamani screamed "don't go brother - you may die!" But the angry Kumar did not reply and kept walking! She ran towards him screaming "wait Kumar don't go" before climbing on the chariot, Kumar turned back and she rushed outside and embraced her brother, cried profusely and pleaded "Don't leave me alone! You are not ready for the war yet!"

Kumar held her face and smiled saying "I promise you that I will not shoot a single arrow on Abhimanyu!" As he got into the chariot, Laxamani sixth sense prompted her that she will never set her eyes on him again, she surmised somehow that he will not come back alive.




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