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Women and children - After War...!


(Henceforth all episodes are about my perspective of Janani Janmabhoomi.)

After the war, both Gandhari and Dhritarashtra entered the battlefield of Kurukshetra followed by Pandavas and Vasudev Krishna; behind them followed the massive crowed of women and children weeping sorrowfully over there dead kith and kin who would never return back to them ever...!

The Kurukshetra field had become muddy and blood-splattered with flesh-pieces and distorted limbs strewn all over that one could barely walk on it. Both Gandhari and Dhritarashtra held each other's hands tightly even as they staggered and wobbled in search of their slain sons!

The battlefield was stuffed with beheaded skulls, torn hands, sliced and tattered limbs with blood splashed all over them in huge mountain piles. The sight of heaps of body short of limbs and limbless bodies lay before those very women who were innocent - beyond blame or reproach, immensely protected within the confines of their places; unaccustomed to such miseries, now sank their faces and wept piteously in the bloody more of slaughtered pieces of their husbands, sons, brothers and fathers.

The broken hearted women shrieked and wailed some beat their chest and foreheads. These women after incessant wailing and weeping, shivered with silent agony and fell unconscious, a few even breathed their last!

The group of women held out to each other arms, wept uncontrollably, ran amok and we're out of their mind with grief, having lost all senses of aptness and decorum. The young widows threw up their modest mannerisms unabashed before the world - with their hair disheveled, arms up in air wailing, shrieking incoherently - were obvious of their senior kith and kin and even their esteemed in-laws! They were in utter mental shock, the immense trauma brought out their untold miseries to the surface, this was the pitiable condition state of the women folk of Kuru Dynasty. They clamour those afflicted women bewailing the destruction of their family became thunderous and shook there worlds.

Millions of young unmarried girls who dreamt love, marriage and children had been robbed off their men, nearly all of them who might have married them were killed, and they were left to the mercy of date and strive for themselves. There would be no husbands, no children, no sexual outlet, no natural bond of men and women, no family which they could proudly claim as their very own, it would be a life long struggle henceforth and nothing more.

The old frail Gandhari wept for her hundred sons, the great battle of Kurukshetra was over and righteousness was established - but at what cost? She was standing completely surrounded by the corpse of her sons, some with broken necks; some with smashed skulls and chests, one distinguishly lay dead with one broken thigh, which she immediately recognized as her favorite Duryodhana! Their bodies still gleamed with sweat, armours, their jewels and their weapons - while the air was filled with wailing of her widowed daughter-in-law who mourned for their sons and grandsons that were killed by Pandavas warriors.

Sanjay offered a helping hand to Dhritarashtra and Gandhari to the place where their sons lay lifeless, never to greet them again as the usually did, Gandhari identified each of her sons by name even as Vasudev Krishna and Pandavas walked behind them. Gandhari had not she's tears since her arrival on the battlefield, now cast a glance at Vasudev Krishna - her silent fury found voice, she burst out "I curse you Krishna. I cannot forgive for what you have done to these innocent warriors; I cannot forgive you for what you have done to my son's, all lying dead! All my sons are dead, all hundred of them, you killed them! Yes...You...! You could have saved them but you didn't...!


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