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Gandhari: My son Duryodhana was invincible...!


Gandhari says "I do not envy the victory of Pandavas and ibagree that my intense grief has robbed me of my understanding! These Pandavas also are my sons. I know that Dusshasana and Sakuni brought about this destruction and that Arjuna and Bhima are not to be blamed! My sons deserve the fate they have met - only because of their flase pride and vanity I do not complain about it. But in Vasudev Krishna presence,  Bhima challenge Duryodhana to battle and knowing that Duryodhana was stronger and could not br defeat in a single combat, Bhima struck him below the naval and killed him! Vasudev Krishna continued to be an indifferent onlooker! This was against righteousness and it is this that I find it impossible to forgive."

Bhima, who heard this, came near and said "Mother, I did this in self-defence, whether is was right or wrong, you should bear with me. Your son was invincible in combat a d I had to resort to self-defence what was undoubtedly wrong,  but then Duryodhana too has wronged us not once - but several times and in various ways and remember the Laksha Graham incident? He tried to kill us by setting fire to the wax house; and then when asked for the equal share of the kingdom,  we were given the undeveloped forest region  Khandavan where only wild animals dwells! He called Yudhishtira to play Dyuta and deceived him! The incident where Draupadi lost her honour was avoidable but he refrained from stopping Dusshasana! We had been wronged by your son in so many ways. There is no reason to grieve as per the norms of Dharma - Oh Mother!"

He continued "If we had killed your son on the spot when he misbehave in the Hall of Dice, surely you would not have blamed us, bound by Yudhishtira vow we restrained ourselves with great difficulty,  and you should forgive me."

"Dear Son, if you had left one son and killed all the rest and satisfied your anger, I and my old husband would have found solace in him for the rest of our lives, where is Yudhishtira? Call him" she said. Hearing this, Yudhishtira with slight tremor of embarrassment and guilt-feeling,  approached Gandhari with clasped hands, Gandhari eyes were band by clothe symbolism her long penance for her husband's blindness. He bowed and said politely "Oh Mother! This cruel Yudhishtira,  who has killed your sons, stands before you - worthy of being cursed! Do cursed me for in have committed the greatest sin, I care neither for my life nor for kingdom. " saying this, he fell on the ground and touched her feet, Gandhari heaved a deep sigh and sealed her lips, she turned her head aside knowing if, if her vision happened to fall on the prostrate Yudhishtira through the corner of her eye-band, he would be  reduced to ashes on the spot! Yet when she turned her face away,  through a little chink her gaze fell on Yudhishtira toe and it was instantly charred. Arjuna realised the burning inferno of Gandhari wrath stood behind Vasudev Krishna for protection but the wise and kind-hearted Gandhari suppressed all her anger and blessed the Pandavas and sent to Kunti.

Gandhari turned to Draupadi,  who was submerged deeply in intense grief for having lost all her sons, consoles her in her own way. "My dear daughter-in-law" said Gandhari. "Try not to grieve! Who can give solace to you and me? It is entirely due to my fault that this great dynasty has come to an end...!



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