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Story of King Parikshit.

Untold story episode #93
After the war of Mahabharata, Pandavas ruled 36 years and now they retired from the worldly materialistic life basis on the law of nature "Let the younger generation enjoy life while we try and our exit" Parikshit born af6the bloodbath in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, he was 36 and old enough old to rule over Hastinapur. The young Parikshit bought the peace and prosperity back in Hastinapur and people were very happy and pleased with the King Parikshit. 

Vasudev Krishna's sister Subhadra became the most prominent female of the Kurus Dynasty. The very existence of the dynasty rested upon her efforts and the efforts of her grandson, Parikshit. She was the strength and glue which held Bharat Varsh together. Many men on both sides died in the war. Like Manu and Noah she had to restart civilisation again. She truly became the Mother of India.

She took the reins and guided her grandson and the nation on a better course. War is always costly. In the end Bharat Varsh was birthed by Vasudev Krishna's sister Subhadra, she was a strong warrior and mother in sustaining India after the bloody war. What a great and courageous woman who asserted her rights and lived her responsibilities with equal greatness. 

One day Parikshit was out for hunting, where he got very thirsty,  he asked some water from the sage sitting under banyan tree, but the sage was in deep meditation and did not responded to the king Parikshit,  he got annoyed and picked up a dead snake and place over the neck of the sage, the sage student name Krusa saw this act and he informed the sage son Srungi, upon listening,  he could not bear the the insult of his father, he curse King Parikshit that he would die with a snake bite within seven days.

Long back Arjuna the grandfather of the King Parikshit has set fire in the forest to clear the land to build Indraprastha, this forest was the home of Nagas (snakes) this fire has killed many snakes,  it left burning Takshaka and many homeless and orphanage, Takshaka sworn to take revenage on Arjuna or his descendants, thus the  killing of King Parikshit was the revenage of Arjuna. 

King Parikshit didn't want to die so he locked himself in the room, isolated from his wives and children,  he kept snake bite specialist doctors, anti-venomous medicines, other herbs and even the snake charmer,  and he ordered his guards no snake to come near me, I cursed to die with snake bite within seven days. 


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